Why it's worth investing in a professional hotel photo shoot
Have you ever wondered whether investing in a professional hotel photo shoot would be worthwhile for you and your hotel and company?
Then you've come to the right place for this hotel photography blog post. Because with over 20 years of experience in the hotel industry, here are three good reasons why the answer is definitely "YES"!
In this hotel photography blog post we have shown you how to find the right professional hotel photographer.
Now it's time to address another fundamental question when it comes to hotel photography: Is this investment even worth it? We at Piquant Production say quite clearly: Yes! And we are happy to share with you our top three reasons why:
1 - You stand out from the competition
Professional hotel photos allow you to stand out from the competition. High-quality photos show your hotel in the best light and with a clear hotel photo concept, you can emphasize your uniqueness and show your unique selling points. This means you create an emotional connection with potential guests, increasing the likelihood that they will choose your hotel over other options.
2 - You create a professional impression
Professional hotel images convey your quality standards and professionalism. Guests tend to place more trust in a hotel with appealing and high-quality hotel images. As a result, they are less reluctant to send an inquiry or make a booking via the hotel website.
We photograph your hotel
Do you need professional hotel photos that bring out your uniqueness and tell an authentic story? Then contact us, because at Piquant Production you get everything from a single source: from planning the shoot to production and editing.
A professional image therefore helps to improve the image of your hotel, strengthen the trust of your guests and generate more inquiries and bookings.
3 - You increase your success
We already mentioned it in the previous point: professional and high-quality hotel images have a direct impact on your booking figures. If potential guests feel attracted to your hotel by high-quality photos, they are more likely to make a booking. High-quality hotel images help to generate interest in your hotel and increase the conversion rate on your hotel website.
Our top recommendation for you
The investment in a professional hotel photo shoot pays off even more if you also develop a unique and clear image concept for it. Because then you combine professionalism and quality with a unique emotional story that leads to even more success and recognition.